
Manage your plugin versions with ease. We take care of hosting and configuring every new version of your manifest so you can have more control on your plugin over time.
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How does it work

To get started with the versioning feature, you'll need to create a manifest file for each version of your plugin that you want to upload. The manifest file contains important information about your plugin, such as its name, version number, and openAPI specs.

Fortunately, our tool will help you create and manage your manifests with ease.

Once you've created the manifest file, you'll add its url to OpenAI. Each time you will release a new version we will take care of serving it to OpenAI so you don't have to constantly change your manifest on the OpenAI platform.

Using the versioning feature, you can easily manage and update your plugin over time. If you need to make changes to your plugin, you can simply create a new version and that's it.

This ensures that any dependencies or requirements are correctly managed, and that your plugin remains compatible with the latest version of the ChatGPT platform.

In addition to making it easier to manage updates, the versioning feature also allows you to track the performance of their plugins over time. By analyzing metrics such as usage, errors and more.

Overall, the versioning feature is a powerful tool for any developer building a ChatGPT plugin.

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